On concept images

NOTE: As of the 12th of May 2020, the disclaimer here about not owning the rights to images on this site no longer applies. I am proud to say each image on this site now falls under one of the following categories:
- I own the rights to the image, or
- Have obtained permission to use it, or
- It falls under a free-usage licence.

Over the next few days i'm going to be creating a series of posts which will be very, very heavy on concept images.

So... what do I mean by concept images?

My process for designing the locations, tribes, units, feel (etc etc etc) of Korash involves a lot of visual imaginings. Maybe it's the result of growing up in a time and place saturated with wonderful game art and design, but I can't help but want to imagine the finished product that is Tribes of Korash as having some *lovely, lovely art*.

Is this aiming too high? Maybe. Honestly, I have no idea. But reasonable or not, I have images and concepts in mind, and what with a picture speaking a thousand words, it seems the best way to both form clearer images of what I want Korash to look and feel like, and to convey that to other people, is with pictures.

Loads and loads of concept pictures.

Here comes the disclaimer - I don't own any of them. I might have edited some - but that's it. In building the aesthetics of Korash i'm standing on the shoulders of giants - relying heavily on the wonderful concept art of so many artists from across the internet, who's work I have liberally trawled, cut, edited, copied, and pasted into the labyrinth of image folders in my hard drive.

My goal here isn't to take credit for others hard work - it's to cast a super-wide net in finding the art concepts that can best convey the world i'm trying to create. That said, as of right now I haven't credited any of these artists, and in the case of art from games or other visual fictions I honestly don't even know where 90% of the art i'm using originated.

That said, the images i'm going to be posting are a stopgap. They're to give an idea of a final product, to crystallise my own thoughts, and to (maybe, some day, hopefully...) dump onto the artist (artists?) who may or may not help me in creating Korash's visual story - namely, the card art, and any other material publishing a game might necessitate.

All of this is to say: None of the following will be present in the game's final form; *all* of the following has gone into inspiring it.

I do not have a problem with crediting any of the talented creatives who have made this stuff. If that's you, or you know the artist who did make something i'm using in the early phases of this project, you can certainly let me know and I will either:
A. Take the art down, or
B. Credit you or the artist in question.

Again, the reason I haven't gone out of my way to do so already is simply the sheer amount of material i'm using, drawn from so many different sources - so many of those found on sites such as pinterest which have themselves collated these amazing creations from other sites (and so on and so on and so on...).

Is this plagiarism? I don't think so.  I hope not. Nothing you see here will be in the final release - but for early game testing, and sharing my early vision of the world - you betcha.

I'm standing on the shoulders of giants. Lots and lots of them. And if they notice tiny me balancing on top of them, all I can say is - thank you. And please don't be mad. It's because you inspire me, and I want to be like you.


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