
Wheeled craft cannot go everywhere, even in the open vastness of a desert. Especially in the open vastness of a desert. Some sands will see any wheeled vehicle over a certain weight and of unsuited design sink right down into them, sometimes irretrievably.

"Nonsense!" I hear you protest. "Sand is sand! Surely a vehicle that can traverse one dune can traverse any other!" No. Sand is not sand, as the Tordassian colonists would quickly discover. The size of the grain, the degree of compactification, the depth down to which it extends - many, many factors determine the properties of sand in quantity.

Fortunately a class of all-terrain walker was shipped in quantity to Korash along with the first colonists - the mighty Rook. These armoured, ambulatory engines had already proved their worth on the torn and muddy battlefields of the great war of 1203, their long limbs carrying them up and over trenches, craters and fortifications, assaulting the enemy where they simply did not expect to the assaulted.

Did the Rook win the war for the Tordassian and Quadruple-Entente forces? Best not ask that in the presence of more than one member of the admiralty staff. Not unless you want to witness a red-faced argument that may take up to an hour - sometimes more - to die down. Needless to say the importance of the Rook in ending that war remains a contentious topic to this day.

Image by Dethklaus (sun added by Eskalat)


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