
Thousand Spears use few vehicles. The haven't the number of skilled engineers, nor the inclination, to maintain and crew them. The ones they do have, then, are simple - like the chariot - or very large, like the majestic warsail.

Its great sails, dyed the deep blue of the tribe's banner, billow high above the steed-borne warriors below as it rolls slowly through the deserts, bearing supplies of water and weapons, and acting as forward headquarters to tribe forces large enough to warrant them.

In battle against an enemy convoy, they sail out on a trajectory to block the forward movement of their foe, providing a bulwark of cover for the lancers to advance behind, before coming to rest like a great stone in the path of their adversaries. From there, deck crews bearing spearguns and manning rotary shardcannons open fire on the enemy below, pinning them before the cavalry's charge.

If these tactics cannot be brought to bear, the warsail will often simply ram the largest enemy craft. Gangplanks dropped from its bow allow a rush of boarding warriors, who will swarm the vehicle, slaying its crew.

Warsail image by Clementere, background is Creative Commons media

Thousand Spears


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