The complete rulebook for v0.40 Alpha (and the delirious boon of pressure)

(TLDR - Download the v0.40 alpha Rulebook here

Some people thrive under pressure. The stress of a deadline to them seems more 'eustress' than 'distress', and they will happily cruise from looming date to looming date with little toll and a lottle done.

I get half of that - the productive half. Certainly pressure makes me produce a great deal of work in a short space of time. But whether it feels good... Well, let's just say it's an ongoing incentive to get things done early, and avoid the eleventh hour rush altogether.

Still, it can do do wonders for productivity.

This is all related to the Ravensburger Inventor Days interview, and the incentive to finish long overdue game updates before then. From the embers of said crucible I present the Tribes of Korash v0.40 alpha Rulebook (see link above).

I imagine the free-to-play Tabletopia game version will make a great deal more sense now to people trying to play the game from one of the many links I've scattered seedlike around various forums and social media properties (here's another - play the v0.40 Tabletopia version for free at

(you'll never have to wonder about what the hell 'Pay X' is meant to mean ever again <3)

Incidentally, any feedback, questions or comments (especially feedback) about said rulebook can be directed to I will answer each and every one.

In the meantime, here's an art asset (because search algorithms love art assets... I think).

- Eskalat (aka. Paddy Boylan)


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