Hive Kin (early concepts)

"How this tribe came to insert themselves into the daily workings of a Korashi ant hive is a secret closely kept by their religious caste - priestesses who revere the hive's queen as a living goddess. The Hive Kin are fiercely territorial, and notoriously difficult to negotiate with."

Game Keywords: BIO FURY PATH

(in earlier game iterations, this faction where known as the Formiads)

A tribe that has somehow inserted themselves into the everyday workings of a Korashi giant-ant hive; ant cavalry; armour made from ant exoskeletons; a lesser power amongst the great-tribes (but more powerful than most - the giant ants help in that regard); secret knowledge; possible hidden biological control knowledge; hermit-kingdom; suspicious; deep connection to ant society over time has made them 'odd'; knowledge of how this strange, symbiotic state of affairs occurred has been either lost, or is kept a a tightly guarded oral tradition and/or secret scriptures

Early concept fiction by Floom

I do not own the rights to any of the following images. If you know the artist that created any of them, and would like to see them credited or the image taken down, please let me know.


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