Dust Flag

Dust Flag is many things. A pact of mutual defence. A complex arrangement of trade. An agreement to share technological secrets from the age when the Magi's cities rose high and splendid above the desert sands. They are an alliance formed between the tribes of the west and, for all purposes, a tribe in and of themselves.

Before the alliance's formation, the peoples of the western expanse where divided, and mostly as distrustful of each other as any of Korash's tribes. However with the coming of that time of dread weather know as the Cataclysm Winds, the tribes formed in mutual support of one another to form Dust Flag - a confederation of dozens of smaller entities into one that, together, could withstand whatever perils the future might bring.

Each tribe within the alliance brings its various specialities to bear, and those contributions allow each to focus on what they do best. The 'Brass Serpent' tribe, for example, are wurmhunters without equal, having slain and herded the great molluscs of the desert for hundreds of years. 'Red Shroud' are spies, infiltrators and diplomats, with a practised cunning that has always been valued by their people; while the 'Sires of the Sacred River' are famed merchants, and masters of agriculture.

For all the success of unity that Dust Fag has enjoyed, however, confederations will always be prone to infighting. Many tribes means many interests, and a complex, shifting political web in which opportunities for advancement of one's tribe ahead of its rivals are numerous. And while each member, in principle, the equal of all others, in practice positions of strength are forever being coveted and struggled for.

Still, most find these shrewd political manoeuvrings preferable at least to war - conflicts resolved with deft tongues and clever schemes are those that are not resolved with bloodshed. And although the status quo of Dust Flag is oft complained about by its constituent tribes, few can deny the prosperity it brings - together, the western tribes have transformed themselves from outliers on the fringe of Korashi power to the central force of this desert land: currently, Dust Flag stands supreme as the most powerful, the wealthiest, the largest of its factions.

Though, as is ever the way, this comfortable position cannot last. Thousand Spears, having waned from their position of near absolute power over Korash a generation ago, seek to reclaim what they believe is theirs by birthright. Rust Banner, forever the opportunists, rise in power alongside Dust Flag, as every trade route opened is another road along which this barbarian tribe's marauders can travel. And Iron Sun, foreigners to Korash, are making ever greater incursions into the lands of the tribes, emboldened by a long string of victories.

Factions (the tribes)


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