
Before Korash was as it is today - windswept ruins, uninhabited expanses and scattered, nomad tribes - it was the domain of a people remembered now only as the Magi. It was their civilisation - grand, and advanced beyond the understanding of any alive in our time - whose crumbling edifices now litter the desert.

Such was the wealth of their technological splendour that their devices are still used by many of the  tribes (although, the knowledge of how to do so is highly specialised, with often only a handful of individuals understanding the operation and maintenance of even a single kind of device). Sadly the secrets of producing most of these marvels is long lost, vanished into the dust by whatever calamity took the rest of their civilisation.

Gleamdelvers are those folk who would go out and retrieve these marvels. Travelling from ruin to ruin, unsealing the ancient doors of long-entombed vaults and braving the creaking towers that still stand defiant against against wind and sand, they seek those peerless treasures that remain unfound.

With sturdy cables they climb and descend, or rig them into pulley systems for shifting artefacts from places low or high. With motorised saws they unseal doors, or liberate treasures stubbornly bolted in place. And with shining lamps they brave the darkness of those places where even the Magi's miraculously long-lived lighting systems have died out. And whilst these are the staples of the gleamdelvers' trade, their tools are only as limited as their acquirements, and their own ingenuity. Many sport eccentric technological curios to aid in their mission, or as trophies proving the successes of adventures past: levitating glowspheres, mechanical third arms, magnetic shoes - they have been known to employ all of these and more.

While 'gleamdelver' is something of a generic term for any who would venture into those darkened places for the purposes of artefact extraction, the word is most associated with the treasure-hunters of Dust Flag. Of all the tribes, they have amongst the greatest understanding of the workings of the Magi's devices, as generations of focus on peaceful prosperity leaves ample time and energy spent for tinkering and exploration.

Image by Dattan Porto

Dust Flag


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