The tribes of Tribes of Korash

Today Ill be posting a synopsis of, and accompanying concept art for, the three 'tribes' that are most fleshed out at this point.

The intention was always to group the game's units factions of some sort, each with aesthetics, gameplay mechanics and lore common to that faction - think Warhammer 40,000, Starcraft, Age of Empires, and the nation states of our own real world. Currently, this is realised as the various playable tribes of Korash (although whether the hail from Korash itself, or migrate into the great desert from outside locations is still undecided - likely it will be a mix, with some Tribes, such as Dust Flag, being more native to Korash, while others such as Iron Sun  come from further abroad).

Three of the tribes have been developed to the point where i'm comfortable posting some details about them here:

NOTE: The following links are for early-concepts of the tribes. For more developed writeups, including unit-breakdowns with accompanying images, click here.

- Dust Flag (resourceful folk with more in common with a citizen militia than a military)
- Rust Banner (motorcycle-mounted raiders, masters of vehicle piloting and the jury-rigged maintenance of said vehicles)
- Thousand Spears (a tribe of unparalleled warriors, whose general disinterest in advanced technology is compensated for by the husbandry of ferocious giant lizards).

See the links above for a writeup and concept images on each.

There are many more to come. How many more? Right now I have rough plans for around eight (including those already mentioned above), but really I have no fixed upper limit in mind.  "As many as is required by the game" is probably the best answer; and even then, knowing myself and my tendency for strange moods, the roster is bound to be expanded at any given time according to any ideas that might dig their hooks into me (ie. i'm currently working on a faction of tribespeople who, at some far back point in their history, managed to inert themselves into the daily workings of a hive of giant ants. Ant cavalry! Ant carapace armour! HAIL THE QUEEN!).

Worth noting also is that in fitting with the game's tiered complexity system (more on that later...) the order and priority at which the tribes are developed will be based on the sort of complexities they can represent. For example, Rust Banner is made up mostly of warriors riding wheeled vehicles - using the game's systems, this is easily represented by "wheeled ENGINE" units (as game rules, these terms aren't going to to make any sense to you right now, unless you're one of the few people who've helped playtest up to this point... All in due time!). Thousand Spears on the the hand are typically made up of giant lizard cavalry - so a whole lot of "STEED TROOPS striders". Both of these unit types are dead simple to implement and require only the game's most most unit rules to play with; hence, Rust Banner & Thousand Spears will be two of the factions (the only two?) to feature at game complexity 1 (or 0, if I end up using 0 as a kind of 'tutorial difficulty').


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